Sunday, September 01, 2019

Dog Holes Drilled

Dog Holes Drilled:

It's 1000 in the desert and I'm already on a 15 minute work 15 minute cool off schedule. A couple of honeydoes first then I expect it will be geeking, pool time and maybe a little time on the sharpening bench working on some new Japanese chisels until the Sun goes down.



  1. How did you get the dog holes done?

    1. Ralph,

      Made and used a jig, see previous post. Even with a jig it is a PITA to drill 'em. Once the shelf is added the bench will be complete. I debated drilling dog holes because I expect to try and sell this bench to make room for another I have planned but in the end I want to use it and it may not sell for awhile. Bottom line a bench is pretty useless without dog holes.


  2. My new bench will have one hole for the Record hold fast. I don't really need the hole for it to be perfectly 90. I tried the jig Richard Maguire used but I didn't get the results he did.
