Thursday, August 04, 2016

New RV

A '08 Domani followed me home this AM. I spent most of the trip to Houston looking for a 30' or less 5th Wheel that flipped all the buttons with no joy. First day back in Tucson I found this one and it without a doubt did all my buttons.

The inside is almost as nice as a custom aircraft or boat completion.  Anyway it's just in time for the Oregon trip, I'll load most of the stuff out of the old RV back into this one and try to find time for a short shakedown run before the 17th.

Here are a couple of photos of the outside, inside photos to follow:

One more, remember to big 'em, click 'em.



  1. Nice... Pretty snazzy wheels hub cap. I like the way the bottom flares up on each ends, should make navigating on sloped ground easier without catching.
    Good size too, not to big not to small

    Rudy and I approve, it is critters worthy :-)


  2. That looks like a nice model you've got yourself there. I like how all the additional angles differentiate it from the rows of white and silver bricks I tend to see when I go shopping for campers with my husband. Since I've spent my fair share of time on several yachts, I can't wait to see photos of the interior.

    Liza Pilon @ Prairie City RV
