Sunday, July 13, 2014

First Set of Legs

I put a set of legs together last night, just to see how they look. I still have some final trimming to do so the shoulders will pull up flush, I expect there are some nasty bits in the bottom of the mortices, but will take care of final fitting and cleaning out just before I pin everything together.

If MsOK will leave me be, if it happens it will be like the virgin birth, I will have the other set rough fit tonight and will finish up the base during the week. If I'm honest with myself a good timeline is finishing up the base next weekend.

This is like going on a long road trip, enthusiasm runs out about an hour before the trip runs out. I'm ready to get this sucker up-right and go back to work making furniture and do I have a pile of that lined up to finish and even more to start.



  1. Wow! You're doing a fantastic job with your bench build. I'm amazed with how fast you have been progressing. I have been building mine, albeit intermittently, for a couple of months now and I'm no where near as far along as you are. I just about have my bench top finished, but the legs and stretchers are still but a twinkle in my eye. I look forward to reading more.

    All the best,


  2. Jonathan,

    Thanks, one of the reasons this build is going so fast is the bench is very simple. With each bench build I've removed unused/little used appliances and now I'm down to just a Record/Paramo #52 face vise and no tail/wagon vise. Add in that I built one very similar three years ago so my butt scratching is also limited because most of the problems were solved during the earlier build. This bench is mostly a clone of the SYP bench but simpler.
