Tuesday, September 24, 2019

More Bread

Portuguese corn bread. It is a heavy little sucker, first time making and followed the recipe. Depending of taste and texture once it cools and if I decide it is worth making again I'll play with the amount of sugar and yeast.

Whatever it looks good and smells great.

BTW, I have a pot of fresh beans in the fridge. One of my favorite meals is fresh beans and old fashion farm cornbread, with a big slice of sweet onion and a hunk of cheese. For an old guy like me that no longer wants to chase women, it just doesn't get any better.



  1. If you like it, post the recipe and I'll try it. I prefer cornbread and beef stew over beans and cornbread.

    1. Ralph,

      Here is a link https://www.177milkstreet.com/recipes/portuguese-cornbread-broa .

      I'm not sure if I will make it again, while good it is kinda a "tweener". Not really cornbread nor bread. As cornbread I prefer old fashioned farmhouse cornbread and as bread a good loaf of French country style white or whole wheat bread suits me better. That said, give it a try, it's pretty good if you do not compare.


  2. Steve D8:00 AM

    That looks great. You the man. Were you able to locate corn flour or was there improvisation?

    Another Portuguese bread that is iconic is their sweet bread, which has a very light texture and sweetness. My wife has tried to make it from published recipes and it never matches. It seems that duplicating baked goods is a monumental challenge, perhaps greater than woodworking skill.

    Without ever having the real thing it would be tough to evaluate. It's a beautiful country with great food...

    1. Steve,

      No, I used Masa Harina De Maiz (I always have some). I don't know if you are familiar with Masa Harina, it is used to make tortillas and tamales. I figured if it turned out I would get on Amazon and find some corn flour. Amazon is a love/hate thing in my house, it is bad for the world but damn it makes life easy.

      I've been to Lisbon a few times, mostly for RONs. Like most of Europe, the folks there know how to live.

      BTW, I learned to make breads at my Momma's knee. She was a great cook and fearless in the kitchen. I didn't grow up on the usual West Texas diet of meat and potatoes.


    2. Steve D5:49 PM

      I looked it up after posting before. It turns out Bob's Red Mill sells corn flour.

      Also, a bunch more recipes that I found but who can tell from reading how it will be?

      Now I have to negotiate kitchen privileges to try out a loaf.
