Friday, February 22, 2019

Snow in Tucson

I'm moving south.  This Winter has been Winter. We have been in Tucson for just under thirteen years and this is the first snow at our house. Snow in the surrounding mountains is not unusual but in the valley, it doesn't happen.

Of course Sweet Maggie Dog and MsBubba loved it and it seemed half of Tucson was driving over Gates Pass to look, photograph, and play in the snow.

The good news, by the time MsBubba and I had  done Gates Pass, finished lunch and picked up my cleaning it was gone. Maybe I'll stay in Tucson a little longer.



  1. Were you able to get a few laps in in the afternoon?

    1. Ralph,

      It shouldn't be too long. I expect to turn the solar heater on next week. I figure this was the last freeze of the Winter.


  2. ahhhh, but it is so nice looking :-)
    Have you been in the pool yet? Its really not that cold don'tchuno (insert biggest grin here)

    Bob, sledding on his Skidoo in Arizona ducking snowballs

    1. Bob,

      It, the snow, was great, MsBubba and I watched it fall from the hot tub and it was gone by afternoon.

      By mid-March it should be kinda usable, mostly floating around with drink in hand. By the last of May it will become a necessity.

