Saturday, January 25, 2020

Moving "Stuff" in the Shop

I've wanted to sell the last bench build, in fact it was built with plans to sell, that time may have passed. I've been working on it in addition to the older bench but because the face vise is so sweet on the new bench it is getting most of the love. The two benches are very similar except the old bench is 7' long vs. 6' for the new and the old bench has a wood screw and parallel guide vs. metal screw and crisscross on the new bench. Other than those two things the benches are pretty much alike.

Because of tool storage I needed/wanted to swap places with the two benches. It was doable by myself because both benches are Moravian and I could remove the slabs then scoot the bases to their new position. It still kicked this old farts ass.

I still have a new BenchCraft Classic Vise screw and a Myers wagon vise on the shelf waiting for a new bench to be built but before that happens I have to lose a bench and it will not be the six footer. If anyone wants a 7' Beech Moravian bench with a Lake Eire wood screw and parallel guide, I have a deal for you.


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