Saturday, January 18, 2020

Made Bread

I made a couple of loafs of bread this morning. One was a thank you for our friend Robyn who did the transport duties last Wednesday. MsBubba is/was in Houston for the first grand kid's Bday so Robyn stepped up to the plate.

My plan for the day was to bake the bread, then prep a couple of the new chisels and when I needed a break from chisel prep to work on saddling the new chair seat. Wrong flour breath, just after putting the bread in the oven I noticed my legs felt heavy and I was out of breath, Damn, damn, damn, I did a quick BP check and my pressure was down and heart rate was just under 100 bpm (my normal is low to mid 60 bpm). Bottom line I'm back in AFib and all the shop plans went out the window.

Monday back to the Doc's for an EKG and I expect go on to plan B.



  1. Nothing better than waking up to the smell of fresh baked bread.
    Add cheese and wine and we have breakfast :-)

    Here's hoping your health goes back on track. Take care my friend

    Bob, about to take Jean out to the Caribbean for a vacation away from it all

    1. Thanks Bob,

      This is the time of year to get away from Winter. after a good break, the the next couple or three months go much easier. And there ain't much better than sand, sea, and drinks with umbrellas to rejuvenate.

      Take care have fun and stay off the motorbikes, back in the air ambulance days drinks with umbrellas and motorbikes kept me in beans and tortillas.


  2. Roger that. She got my six :-)
    Old Airforce Sgt Major Bob

  3. You made me hungry by looking that picture, add some butter to this and it should be delicious.
    Wish you a good recovery and many more loafs!

    1. Lionel,


      Yep it was pretty good. After it cooled a little I added oil and balsamic to the mix as well. Hard to decide which is better.

