Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wagon Vise

The wagon vise arrived in the mail.

There is no room to mount on either bench, I have a couple of options both are kinda good.  I can of course build another bench. The downside of that is no place to put it until one of the other benches is sold or given away. The other option is making a new slab for one of the existing benches. A new slab would mean storing the old slab until I'm ready to build a new bench which wouldn't be too bad because a slab doesn't take much room to store and I'd have a ready made slab for the next bench build whenever it happened.

You can see which way I'm leaning, If it is a new slab then the question is which bench? I'm thinking the old bench but to be decided.

BTW, the end bearing came out of the pillow block during shipping.  A quick glance doesn't revile the keeper and no time to look tonight. It is monkey suit and strap a Sim to my ass for four hours time.



  1. That is a nice looking vise that Will made. I wish that it came with a thing-a-ma-bob for a square dog.

    1. Ralph,

      I'm not really a fan of square dogs, too limiting when compared to round ones, but I understand some prefer them. I'm also with Sylvain to ask Will about making one with a square tube.


  2. Anonymous2:34 AM

    I fail to see why you can not mount it on that workbench. If one or two inches are missing, you can shift the slab a little bit.(and modify the mortise for the vise back).It will not anymore be symmetric but who will see it (anyway the main vise is only on one side).

    1. Sylvain,

      I thought about shifting the slab and on the small bench it would be doable, there is not enough room on the bigger bench . Because the small bench is for sale I'd rather not modify it. The other factor is making a new slab is very little more work vs. moving the slab and the advantage of making a new slab would be the old slab would be already made and available for a new bench.


  3. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Ralph you might contact Will Myers about getting one with a square tube instead of a round one. I don't know if square tubes are more expensive but the manpower would be about the same. Will Myers might have to buy a long square tube. Maybe if enough people ask for it...

  4. Ken,

    Just tap the bearing housing back into alignment with a small hammer of mallet. There is no retainer, the bearings are meant to be movable in the housing. This one just got banged around in shipping.

    How much too short is the overhang on the bench you have?

    1. Will,

      Thanks for the info. I kinda expected as much. I figured I'd take a look when I had a sec to do it and if I couldn't find a set screw or some other "keeper" I'd just press it back into the race.

      I plan on putting the wagon vise on the bigger and older bench, it is well short by, my guess, 6" or so. It's no problem, I figured as much when I ordered the vise. My plan is to make a new longer slab for the bench and will re-cycle the old slab to a new bench. I have a BC Classic screw on a shelf to use and if I like the wagon vise I'll order another for that bench. Now if I can find some room for all of 'em :-).


  5. Oh, the bench dilemma. How many can I fit inside my shop :-)
    Is there a bench Anonymous group in your neck of the wood? :-)

    Ok, enough jokes, not a bad dilemma to be in. Keep on building them brother

    Bob, still trying to make room for a 6 footer in my shop

    1. Bob,

      I wish, I could be a charter member. Hello, my name is Ken....

      I expect I will, they are just too enjoyable to build not to. Back in the day, my best friend and I would build buildings of all sizes for ourselves, family, and friends. My part was taking the building to "dry out", after that I lost interest. Building benches is kinda like framing, enjoyable and at the end of the day you can sit back with a beer and see the progress. Finish carpentry not so much.


  6. True that Ken
    My favorite part of the day has always been, sit back relax and look at what you accomplish today.
    Incidentally, that is why my to Do list get so big so fast. Because it is kind of anti climaxing to only checked off one thing. By re-arranging SWMBO requests into sub tasks, yah the list grow quickly but then you are rewarded by strucking off a bunch of lines off your list. Visibly more yellow highliter marks at the end of the day make up for what you know was a lot but not much is visible, syndrome :-) Work for me

    Bob, back from Rotary duties, scratching Rudy's ears
