Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Few Days In A Row Off

I finished a weekend from Hell early last Monday morning. I didn't get a lot done Monday but for me the other four days off were pretty productive.

First up I finished a couple of frames/mounting boards for two of MsOK's ceramic pieces. Now doing that made me modify my shooting board so I could shoot 45's. After a bit of butt scratching and a visit to the wood store I came up with this:

BTW here are the ceramic pieces with the simple frames. Both are painted with a Ash Black milk paint overcoat and waxed. One has a red undercoat and the other has a blue undercoat.

While doing the frames I realized I still needed a sticking board and I had time to make one. Of course it required some more butt scratching, a little time on the intertubes, and another trip to the wood store.
I've added a row of screws for stops.

Also Monday a co-worker that helped move some of the beech and with some of the early glue up of the slabs called and reminded me that I said I would help him with his bench build and was I ready to start. Of course the answer was yes. 

Here are the legs glued up but not cut to length.

One last item: I received a Spyderco Extra Fine Ceramic stone Friday morning. They have been around for years but I had never tried one. It may become my goto polishing stone, the only question is do I loose the strop.

Not a bad few days, less than half of what I planned to do but more than I normally do. back to work today, a mid afternoon Type Ride for a crew so home around midnight. Off Sunday, then back at it Monday starting at 2100. What can I keeps me out of the bars.


  1. That is an interesting shooting board. Two layers of ply with T-track channels?

  2. Ralph,

    One layer of 3/4 was too thin to hold the track screws. I also figure it will stay true better with two plies of board. I don't know how useful an adjustable fence will be but I figure it should help and it wasn't that hard to chop the housing.

    BTW, most of the idea came from seeing your sticking board on the intertubes. If it doesn't work I will blame it all on you :-).

