Sunday, February 07, 2021

Plow Planes

 Bob over at The Valley Woodworker posted a good write up on plow planes. As I replied to his post I have a major plow plane jones. Here are some of my plows:

From the other side:

From left to right:

1. Unknown Maker

2. Auburn

3. Auburn

4. Sandusky, my favorite user

5. Edward Carter Troy, NY, used almost as often as the Sandusky

6. Unknown Maker, good user

7. W. Greenslade Bristol, good user

There are several more stuck around the shop but most of 'em need work so they are good dust collectors.

BTW, click 'em to big 'em.



  1. Cool thanks ken
    These all look good and are probably good workers. Thanks for sharing.
    BTW, I noticed with the door open that your snow seems to be all gone. Are you expecting some more this season ? :-)

    Bob, where we are supposedly going to be clobbered by snow overnite. Will see.

    1. Bob,

      For the most part our Winter is over, maybe one or two more fronts before our week of Spring but not likely. We did get a dusting of snow in the valley but it was a dusting and gone within a couple of hours.

      I really need to do something about all the tools I've collected over the years. I only use maybe a 100 at most and of that most are different chisels that I could cut in half and never miss.

      As an example, the other day I counted over a dozen JNats and about the same number of Arkansas stones in the sharpening cabinet. There ain't no reason for that number of stones. I kid myself about doing anything about it, ain't gone'a happen until I croak and MsBubba calls GoodWill but then it will not matter.


  2. Now don't be shy show us the dust collectors :-)

    Bob, sharpening his snow shovels :-)

  3. Steve D5:38 PM

    Those are some sweet looking planes. Are the darker ones rosewood or something else?

    On another topic, I acquired a lily white washita that has the sticker on the end still, labeled as a "fine". Are all the lily whites fine or are there different grades of lily white?

    1. Steve,

      Thanks, I believe Rosewood is correct.

      As far as I know all Lily White stones were "fine". One of the reasons they were/are prized was they were fast for the finish. You can get a cutter strop ready quickly with a Lilly White if you wish to just use one stone.

      I will normally use mine as a set up stone for the Hard Black Ark. The Hard Black doesn't improve the edge a lot but I sure enjoy using it after a Lilly White set up.


  4. You have a problem with chisels too. But tools are like Lays potatoes chips, you can't only eat one or have only one.

    1. Ralph,

      Guilty as charged. I've almost got it under control but there have been a few recent relapses.


  5. Your pictures raised a question in my mind? How many hammers do you have under your workbench? :D


    1. Lionel,

      Damn, busted again :-). Hammers and mallets are like rabbits, throw a couple under the bench and before you know it there are a dozen.


  6. Long time no news, hope you did not get frozen down there. I have seen some news from Texas and it was not looking good.
    Take the care and be safe!

    Lionel, getting tired of shoveling but seeing the light of spring innthe winter tunnel.

    1. Lionel,

      All is well, I've been working the night shift and not much gets done when I do. Mostly just work, try to sleep and then nap to make up for not sleeping.

      What work I've done is mostly getting the motorhome ready for the Summer trip.


    2. Happy to see everything is well, take care and be safe :)
