Friday, July 23, 2021

One of The Joys of RV Living

 For some reason my black water system has been plugging up every two or three dumps. Not sure the reason. Our routine hasn't changed, the TP is RV approved but it could be different, the brand changes often. Other than that not a clue. But whatever it has been a PITA.

One of the things I will try is dumping a little earlier at a little more than half a tank so I can run back wash water a little longer. In other words I'm lost as to a fix.

In a week we will be half thru the Cape Lookout gig, it sure goes fast. Humbug Mountain the month of October then November and December up near Coos Bay. We are booked to return to Cape Lookout next year. We are not sure about January to May, maybe Tucson or Texas.

See y'all on down the road,



  1. In our boat TP is going in a small trashcan emptied everyday but not in the blackwater tank. This avoid any clogging issue, in or out.

    Lionel playing with epoxy, fiberglass, paint and wiring.

    1. Lionel,

      We talked about doing it that way but I decided to try a different flush procedure that seems to work.

      Yep, I spend most of my days off under, on, or above the motoerhome fixing something.

