Wednesday, October 29, 2014

New Moxon

A TFWW delivery came yesterday, in it was a Moxon vise, a glue pot, hide glue, some brushes, a few coping saw blades, and a several file handles for my saw files.

The glue pot is impressive, I've been putting it off and using Old Brown Glue but there are a couple of things hot glue will do better so I finally did the deed. The other stuff is just things I've been putting off, waiting for an order to add them to.

The Moxon, well, what can I say, everyone but Bubba has one so....Monon come to Bubba.  I can see where it will be easier to mark my pins using the Moxon and if so then it will be worth while just for that and I can believe holding wide boards will be easier. I guess what I'm thinking is....Moxon, come on down and show me your stuff. Right now I'm neutral but open to convincing.  

I cut a couple of tails to see how it felt to the saw. It's OK, the Paramo feels better but not much holds better than the Paramo. The extra height is noticeable but I expect after a few dozen saw cut I will not think about it. 

Odds are the Moxon will end up on the other bench for no other reason than it takes up a lot of real estate. 


  1. The good thing about a Moxon is that it is easy to get out and use as the need arises. You recall the picture Chris Schwarz talks about in which they were hanging on the wall.

  2. Andy,

    I expect it will live at least for a while on the other bench until I can find wall space to hang it. Or maybe if I find it useful it could just stay there to be moved aside when needed or moved to the main bench for some projects.. A work in progress.

